
React Native + Expo Starter Kit

Don’t waste time setting up project, required libraries, linters, and development workflows. Everything you need is included: useful libraries, automated build and submission, GitHub workflows for teamwork, automatic versionning and changelog. Read more below.

What’s included

Must have libraries

Useful hooks and components

Automated build and submission

Just push to the production branch and wait notification in 10-15 minutes that release is available for testing.

Team work

Don’t worry about maintaining the code style.

Releases & versioning

Just push to the main branch to create a new release, increment version and generate changelog based on commit messages.

Project structure

assets - static assets
src - app sources
src/app - non-UI app part
src/app/api - APIs
src/app/common - helpers
src/app/interfaces - interfaces that describe data structures
src/app/middlewares - redux toolkit middlewares
src/app/slices - redux toolkit slices
src/app/store.ts - add your slices, reducers, middlewares here
src/app/theme.ts - global theme variables like colors, sizes, component styles
src/components - common app components
src/components/ui - common reusable small UI components
src/core - project-independent part of code that can be used in other projects
src/core/api - base HTTP queries
src/core/hooks - common hooks for logic reuse
src/core/store.ts - redux store configuration
src/hooks - common app hooks for logic reuse
src/screens - one folder per screen
src/app.ts - entrypoint
src/navigation.ts - screens definitions

Getting started

Quick start

  1. Press the Use this template button and create new repository or clone the repository in your console.
  2. Install dependencies with npm i
  3. Start application and start coding.
npm start

After installing dependencies you’ll see .env file in the root of project. Feel free to change it.

The next steps

After quick start you may want to create an Expo project and set up a development workflow.

  1. Mare sure you have installed eas-cli and logged in:
    • npm i -g eas-cli
    • eas login
  2. Update app.json file with correct values:
    • — your app’s name;
    • expo.slug — app’s slug ;
  3. Initialize new Expo project and follow instructions in your console:
    • eas init

Now your project is linked to the Expo project.

2. Prepare for automated build & submission

  1. Create an application in App Store Connect;
  2. Create an application in Google Play Console;
  3. Update app.json file with these values:
    • expo.ios.bundleIdentifier — change it like in App Store Connect;
    • — change it like in Google Play;
  4. Update eas.json file these values:
    • build.base.env.EXPO_PUBLIC_BASE_URL — this endpoint will be used for RTK base query;
    • submit.production.ios — change these values for automated submissions;
  5. Update package.json file — set name of your project;
  6. Create access token for robot users in the Expo console;
  7. Create EXPO_TOKEN secret in project settings on GitHub;
  8. Make first Apple build & submit manually from your console. After that Expo will generate and save all necessary certificates and everything will be ready for automated workflow;
    • npm run expo-build-ios
    • npm run expo-submit-ios
  9. Make first Android build. Follow these instructions:
    • Create service account and save json file with keys;
    • Create GitHub secret in your repository GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY with base64-encoded contents of the json file;
    • Set privacy policy URL
    • Create first expo build manually:
      • npm run expo-build-android
    • Download .aab file from the Expo console and manually make first submission
  10. Create branches: production/ios, production/android, production/all
  11. Check GitHub actions and you should see started workflows.
